50cm resolution satellite images for Belgium
This website is an initiative of the Belgian Science Policy Office, developed in the framework of Belgium’s participation in the Pléiades Earth Observation Programme.
In return for this participation, Belgium got the opportunity to offer Pléiades images at reduced prices to its institutional users.
Check the section Become user to learn how to benefit from this offer.
Any images purchased by such users are stored in this portal, where anyone can visualize them. Only registered users can actually download the data, but if you want to get a feel for Pléiades imagery, just go to the Images section to download a sample dataset right away.
Finally, if you’re interested in the Pléiades satellite system and the available data products, you should definitely pay a visit to the section What is Pléiades?.
Pléiades for Belgium
Pléiades was originally set up as the optical component of the Franco-Italian ORFEO programme (the radar component being COSMO-SkyMed). Several other European countries also participated in the Pléiades programme: Austria, Spain, Sweden and Belgium. The Belgian contribution was the continuation of our cooperation with France in the SPOT programme, and covered 4 % of the cost of Pléiades.